Thursday 29 September 2011

Tips For A Great Night Out

Everyone is excited to get to college, and for some of you this means a whole new level of freedom. While freedom is pretty much the best thing ever invented, learning how to manage it and maximize all of its benefits without letting it turn you into a hot freshman mess is as important as any midterm or research paper. I’m of course speaking of a big night out.

Brushing their teeth with a bottle of jack turned out to be a bad idea

Maybe you already have all of this figured out, if so I say cheers to you! Though if you have found yourself waking up in strange places, wearing other peoples clothes, or have half of your dormitory is suddenly calling you Ke$ha, I have a few tips for you. I can assure you one of the most important parts of growing up is learning how to have a good night out. Many factors obviously contribute to this, but there are some simple steps to take so that your night has the best chance of going according to plan.

Don't Ride Dirty
First, make a conscious effort to leave all illegal party favors at home. If you are underage, don’t travel with alcohol or drugs. Avoid hefty fines, jail time, and that awkward call home explaining to your dad why you can't follow in his footsteps with a career in criminal justice by following this simple but often overlooked tip. This way if you or someone in your group find themselves face to face with the police, you don’t have to worry about anything else than the matter at hand.

"I swear officer, I don't know where that 8-ball came from!"

Know How You'll Go
Try to have a ride set up. Does everyone have their student ID’s? Many Colleges offer a discounted or free transit pass to it’s students. Also, make sure you know what bus or train routes to take, and how long they run. Nothing says "awesome Friday night!" like shivering at a lonely bus stop, only to find out the route stops running at midnight. Does your college offer a discounted taxi sticker? You can usually get this from the student government office.

"Wait! Ladies only drink free till midnight!"

We Have The Technology 
Try out one of the many apps available that help you keep track of your alcohol consumption. I personally use Alchodroid, For iphone users there is DrinkTracker. Ladies! Another more low-tech marvel of our society are foldable shoes that you can keep in your purse. This way, if you do miss the bus you won’t have to donkey clomp 11 blocks in your fly clubbin' heels.

Hopefully this doesn't match your GPA
Obviously, the best way to make sure nothing in your night goes horribly wrong is to consume all substances with moderation in mind. Lame, I know, but it's better than waking up in jail or the ally behind a drag-queen bar.
Enjoy your night out! Just remember it's up to you to keep yourself safe. Never go anywhere or do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Peer-pressure is overrated, and nobody knows what's better for you than you. 
Make sure you leave room for the unknown or the unseen, but try not to follow too stringent of a plan, it can really stress out your fellow partiers, and ruin your night out before you even leave.

Stay safe, and happy partying!

Monday 26 September 2011

Make Sure You're the Coolest Kid Home From Winter Break

As your first semester of college draws to an end, you've probably realized that college is much more than classes, tests and grades. You might even have a hard time counting all the ways you're a different person than you were just a few months ago. You're a smarter, cooler, and more confident you! But what if all these changes have been exclusively internal? Just because you haven't finished your liberal arts degree yet doesn't mean you haven't made major progress! Winter break is a time to return to the old stomping grounds and show all your hometown friends just how much more awesome you've become since you passed psych 101.
These are some tips to make sure you blow them all away, leaving no doubt that the old you is gone, and the new and improved you is here to stay!

Become A Music Snob.
College is synonymous with music; enough to warrant an MTV station, a laundry list of blogs, and a huge music festival circuit all telling you what music is cool. Your first trip home is sure to bring out the inner music snob of at least one hometown friend. When said friend insists on playing you the first minute of every song on an album that "changed their life", make sure you can hang.  Reply with something like, “Yeah man, this is sick, but (insert band here) will really fist your brain!" They'll probably play along, maybe even pretend to know what you’re talking about, either way you just scored major cool points

The M.I.A mixed tape you downloaded literally knocked them off their feet.

Cut Something Off or Grow Something Out.
Do you still have that weird puberty beard you’ve been able to grow since middle school? Shave that biz! Likewise, if Sinead O'connor was your go-to for hair styles in high-school, start growing those locks to the floor. Consider something more extreme! This may be the only time in your life you can have any hair style you want, free from your mother's judgement and write-ups from management because CPA’s arn’t allowed to have moe-hawks in your office building. So go ahead and shave some lightning bolts into the side of your head, you’re only young once!

Timmy was the envy of every boy on the playground

Organize A Clothes Trading Party.
This one is fun and simple, get all the kids from your dorm together and trade your stuff! Don't be ashamed of some of your more questionable pieces, remember one persons trash is another's treasure. So bust out that horse sweater grandma got you for Christmas '01, you just might make the hipster across the hall wet their skinny jeans in excitement.
This might have made you "queen bee" in 4-H, but that was the old you.

These are just a few tips to get you going. Remember, college is about finding who you are, and what you like. Don't be afraid to try something new just because it doesn't fit into your old identity. Keep an open mind and a sense of humor and you just might surprise yourself with the things you find on the quest to become the best you. Happy Winter Breaking!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Political Parties Recruiting on Campus

Student activity in not only campus politics, but state and national politics as well.. When the first president of Harvard abandoned Puritan Principles as guidepost for the University the controversy spread widely and deeply through the entire Colony. Many of the students were involved at this early date in our history, 1653. Through out our history, colleges and universities have been center stage in regional, state and national politics. The 1960´s, and protests over the Vietnam War and income disparity changed all that however, most Americans are aware of this aspect of their children´s education.
Students viewpoints about politics and their role in  the political system has changed dramatically over the last decade. The two major political parties, Democrats and Republicans, both have campus headquarters that actively recruit new members amount both the student body and the faculty. Most major schools have offices of many of the smaller political parties, like the Progressive Party and the Tea Party. There is virtually no major university without outside political parties having a strong presence on campus. Obtaining as some online education about the political activities and the opportunities available at schools you are considering.
This is actually a benefit for students because with members of all of these parties seeking to cut education benefits for students, restrict Pell grants, stop research or granting research funds, campuses across the country will begin to feel real challenges. When students want to get involved, the process is usually fairly simple. Before getting involved with any of these parties any student is advised to thoroughly investigate what the party really stands for and see if that stance is in line with their personal stance on various issues. They should also know what members of Congress align itself with this party, and what their voting record is.

Getting involved in politics at school will give students valuable lessons in how our political systems works, which is sometimes different in reality than what the books teach. In many cases students can become involved in actual campaigns and for students majoring in areas like political science, journalism, psychology and sociology, this can be a valuable learning experience.

School Financing: Dealing with the Cuts

The proposed cuts this year to education on the federal level will exceed $1 billion. While this is happening the same cuts can be seen popping up on a state by state basis, heavily affecting not only University students but grades K-12 as well.  There have been at least 46 states making severe cuts to education. Public schools are being forced to increase class size but their resources are being limited, their ability to replace aging, or in some cases even outdated books or make needed repairs to the school itself.
The problem is no better on a University level. The Pell style grant for instance has changed dramatically over the last 10 years. The income levels for obtaining the grant have gone way down, forcing more middle and lower income students to accept disqualification, and while the amount of the loan has not gone down, it has not gone up either, to keep pace with rising tuition, materials and cost of living requirements.

Obtaining student loans has also been made a great deal harder due to new government restrictions on lending. Cuts in federal money to colleges are now at an all time high. Many schools are no longer able to offer fellowships, a very important feature of post graduate studies, and research grant applications, especially in environmental studies and the sciences in general are being routinely denied.
However there are still many places to get assistance. The first step is to find the right school. This will be a good online education in itself. In many cases this choice will require some sacrifices. The grants and loans are out there but putting together a finance package large enough for Harvard or Stanford, might be a challenge. There are many websites that can help you research schools that will fit your needs. There are also several good websites that not only help you find financing sources but offer articles on different ways to save money while at school.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Politics on Campus

If you are now a University student then the odds are probably good that you are in some way involved in student politics on campus. Maybe not the Student Council, but even as the Treasurer of the math club you are part of student government. If any of us watches the news, the entire outcome of the 2008 national elections rested on the voter turnout. If the students in the United States had not turned out we might have had a different President.
We are political animals and moving from High School to University will not make any difference. Fortunately, there are still many opportunities to get involved on some level in the world around you. All universities have various forms of university government from University Senate to Class Councils, and The Greek Councils used in the fraternity and sorority systems. The more you know about your schools, and the more you know about politics in general, the easier this transition will be. Remember, politics does, to a large extent, determine our quality of lives and to some extent, how we lead our lives. Even many of the accredited online colleges have some form of student government.
·       Student Senate/Council: This body often meets with representatives of the University and handles mostly administrative matters. Sometimes this body is considered to be on the side of the student but sometimes it represents the schools side, like in disciplinary proceedings against students or student organizations.
·       Class Council: There are several types of class council. Some degree programs have class council major area. If you are a computer science major this council will take dues and use the money to benefit students in that school. Usually each year will have its own council as well. The freshmen will have a Student Council as will each subsequent year after that.
·       Fraternity Councils, popularly known as “Greek Councils”, work for the benefit of the Greek Fraternity system. This system is subject to the jurisdiction of both the class council and the University Student Council. They are also of course subject to the Administration.
·       Democratic and Republican Student Parties: These groups bring politics to an entirely new level for most students. While they have many activities on campus, they are usually heavily involved in both local and state politics and sometimes in national politics, a fact evidenced by the previously mentioned election. Most of the members of these groups are also involved in other student groups and student government as well.
The recent attacks on education in American makes it vital, now more that even, for students to get involved in what is going on in the world around them. The recent cuts in government loans and grants have made it a certainty that most students today are struggling for financing. The only way this will change for students, and universities can offer quality educations, is through either increasing tuitions or students getting involved in politics and speaking out for our future.

Helping the cause of the freshman 15

You wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. All you can think about is that dreadful test tomorrow and how you can’t stand to sit by your smelly science partner. Everyone seems to know what they are doing for the rest of their life other then you; while you’re wondering, what the hell is wrong with me?

Everyone has an awkward time in college at one time or an other. How they deal  with the stress usually comes in the form of food, hence the freshman 15. Everyone knows about it and pretty much expects to experience the extra bulge. How could you not? Especially when you’re eating on campus and have an unlimited amount of food at your exposure.
Stress can manifest in many ways but there are things that can be done to conquer the hunger. Starting by taking college courses in nutrition. Taking a course like nutrition, will help you understand what your body is going through during stressful situations and what it craves. Salt and carbohydrates are two of the major catalysts for what a stressful body desires. Who knows, maybe taking this class will lead to your degree.

You must be thinking why would I take another class to stress me out more? I believe when taking generals, it is important to take courses that interest you, while still fitting into your needed criteria. Psychology for me was a eye opener,  why I and many others do what we do. It helped me get a little insight on my stress and made me not feel so crazy. Trust me things could be way worse.
It helps to take a different look at what you eat. Food can be over used in quantity and under used in quality. A healthy idea of what to eat is always good, plus when you find food that helps you concentrate.

Eating breakfast is a must, it is one of the most important meals of the day. Your  breakfast should always include a good source of protein, like boiled eggs or a yogurt. Fish is another great food for your body and brain. Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids, which help with healthy brain function. If fish isn’t your thing, go to the health food store and pick up some omega 3 vitamins. Dark chocolate, believe it or not is good for you, in small doses. It caries antioxidants and sugar, which gives you a little boost when studying. Finally fruits, all fruits are good for your body and brain but blueberries are the best. Blueberries help protect the brain from free radicals and carry a healthy dose of antioxidants. If you take a nutrition class it will describe how these wonderful foods are absorbed into your body and why they help.

The one thing that helps release the most stress and agitation would be a good work out. Colleges always have excellent workout facilities. Working out hypes up your feel good endorphins and is good for your body after sitting all day in classes. Check with your college. Usually fitness centers carry classes for yoga, cycling, and kick boxing. This way you can have motivation to work out because you know others will be counting on you to be there.

College can be stressful. It just depends on how you deal with the situation. Eating right, working out and taking classes that interest you are all helpful factors. No one needs to know it all in the first 2 years.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

What you watch on TV could be your career

When it comes to crime series I am a sucker. I have watched them all: Law and Order, CSI-(Las Vegas, Miami, and New York), Cold Case, and my newest love, The First 48. These shows portray the underbelly of our society. A true grit people very rarely see or know, until it hits the tabloids.

These people who seem to have an unearthly talent for dealing with things others would cringe over, are people like you and me. TV might indulge a bit on what a detective or crime scene investigator does but it is a career.
The First 48 hours, follows real detectives through the first crucial 2 days of an investigation. Detectives piece together evidents and try to run down the perpetrator, by using testimonies from witnesses. Like real detectives, students who are going to college for criminal justice are put into similar circumstances.

Education in the crime investigation field has come a long way. Every year new technological advances are being discovered, giving students a step up from the rest.
There are plenty of roles played in the TV shows that are true to life. Students who have a niche for science, blood, and gore should look towards a field in forensic science. Forensic science colleges teach students how to collect and analyze evidence found at a crime scene. By specifically analyzing fingerprints, blood, firearms, saliva, sperm and drugs, students are put into real life situations. Other then working with evidence, forensic scientists hold an obligation towards writing reports, going to court, and discussing evidence with attorneys.

If you feel that blood and guts isn’t your thing, you can look at being a detective. Usually to be a detective it takes years of experience within the police force or some time pushing papers. By taking up a degree in criminal justice and law enforcement, students are able to learn about the laws and regulations that are needed to be enforced to create the foundation of American life.

TV and real life are definitely not in the same realm but there is a truth behind all of the smokescreens. If you find yourself interested in what you’re watching don’t just brush it off as a hobby. Pursue it. It much just become your career.

Is a 4-year degree necessary for making money?

I have been on the road now for the past 2 years. I enjoy encountering new experiences and meeting people from all walks of life. One thing I have noticed is how little my 4-year degree has played a role in what I do now. I have pretty much done every job that doesn’t pertain to my degree.

My fiance has his 2-year degree in construction management, which he instantly was able to pursue a career in. After two years in the field, he has made substantially more money then I have made. It is great for his ego but sucks for me when I have to pay off a larger amount of debt each month.
A college grad with a 4-year degree may earn 66% more then a high school grad but that is not including tech or trade schools into the equation. I have been working odd end jobs just hoping for someone to give me a break in photojournalism. It turns out that if you don’t know someone or your parents don’t own the company you’re S.O.L..

This is why trades are the future of education, their fast, inexpensive, and you are more likely guaranteed a job afterwords. According to the College Board, the average education debt for a 2-year degree is $7,130, while the average for a 4-year is $24,000, according to the Project on Student Debt. I personally find the average for a 4-year degree low. I have several friends who have a 4-year degree worth 100 thousand. I am of course not calculating the years spent on extracurricular activities.
When it comes down to it, it is better to know what you want a career in before you go to college then to have a period of self discovery while you pay for it. I have tacked up many loans toward the experience of self discovery, now I am paying for it.
Now for all of you folks who are looking for something inexpensive. I have found a couple of jobs that make great money and only take two years to achieve. Each of these jobs make an average starting pay of 40 thousand depending on location.

Nursing is obviously something that people will always need. Especially now that all of the baby boomers and biting the dust. Now there is hybrid courses for becoming a RN(registered nurse). No longer do students need a master of science in nursing to be making the big bucks. The course takes 4-years of information and crams it into 2. If this is something that you would like to do, it is worth it.

When I found out how much a paralegal makes I discovered why my sister-in-law went back to school for a year. For a year of education (if you have your generals, if not it takes two years) you can be making 30 thousand starting. Plus you have the bonus of working with a lawyer who can give you discounts when you get in a jam. Just saying.

I was unaware of this being a job you could go to school for but since the yuppies are going green, I guess there is a large demand for this. A solar energy consultant, comes to your home or business and assists you with integrating your energy waisting ways with something a little more green. This could mean solar panels, wind power, or even bio fuels. If you’re a “go green” kinda person this is actually a really cool job.

The technician degrees that usually make money: electrical, radiological, ultrasound(pretty much anything in the health field), and information techs all have promising futures. As time goes by students will start to realize that it is not so much about the college experience as it is the money.