Sunday 23 October 2011

Big Fish, Small Pond

What were your biggest dreams when you were a child? Did you want to be a ballerina, astronaut, doctor, lawyer or a hotshot businessman? And may I ask what you are doing now, I mean your job? Are you actually doing whatever you dreamt of doing? 

Most of us outgrow those dreams as we grow up, and what do we do? We settle.  We settle to whatever life gives us.  We let other people and our circumstances define what we are.  There is always an excuse why we couldn’t be what we wanted to be.  And the funny thing is, we just let it happen.  We don’t fight for those dreams.  As we grow up, we just think of them as silly childhood imaginations.  Those dreams are just castles in the sky.  We live our lives on autopilot, and when we wake up, it is usually too late.

After floating through our lives for many years, a realization occurs.  You really wanted to be somebody.  You wanted to be that person you dreamt of when you were in pigtails.  You realize just how you really are not satisfied with your job.  You become conscious that you haven’t developed your character over the last years.  You become aware that you just took what life gave you.  You have been asleep at the steering wheel.  And after all those times, you think again about your childhood dream.  Maybe you wanted to make it happen this time, or you realize that you want to achieve much more than what you’ve been dreaming of.  You are back to square one.

Here’s a little secret.  You are not alone.  A lot of people are like that.  And it is not too late to do something.  It is not too late to be somebody.  Be thankful that you woke up and realize where you are because you now have an opportunity to go somewhere.  Never mind yesterday, what is important is the here and the now.  Opportunities are everywhere.  The best schools are just a click away.  You can take online classes if time and distance are an issue.  

Be aware that you are now capable of achieving your once cherished childhood dream.  You know that you have what it takes to reach it, otherwise you won’t be thinking about it nonstop.  Don’t settle for whatever you have now when you know deep inside what a smart cookie you are!  Deep down you know that you are a big fish in that small pond.  Well, it’s about time to move to the great lake, or even to the endless ocean.  Choice is always yours!

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